Help us make Halloween special for the foster youth we serve, by donating Halloween candy for these boys ages 11-17. Please bring your donations to Debbie Fairman's between October 1-23. Call or text her at 626-602-4769 to make arrangements for pickup or to leave them on her porch.
We are also turning our thoughts towards Thanksgiving. Last year we were able to give the homes a ton of DVD’s donated by one generous donor. This year after some discussion we have decided to give each boy a $10.00 gift card to a fast-food restaurant. The boys love to eat out and things we take for granted they do not get to do. Please help make this holiday more pleasant for the boys in the foster homes. We will be collecting the $10 fast food gift cards and to make transportation easier, it works out better if each home gets cards to the same fast-food restaurant. We will be collecting McDonalds and In-N-Out cards, Oct. 1st to Nov.13th. Please bring your donations to Debbie or one of our members before Nov. 13th.
Many thanks for your ongoing support! The homes tell us it makes such a difference in the lives of the foster youth, they care for.
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